Container Store Score for Closet Organization

Are you trying to organize your closet? After searching at Target & Bed Bath & Beyond for some great pieces to organize my baby closet--I went to the Container Store and found a great, super cheap solution.

These open crates are stackable so you can make them as tall or wide as you want, are only $9 per crate, and because they are open you can access whatever is inside super easy without worrying about cheap drawers.

I also found this great blue hanging device. I had previously bought a white version from Target but the dividers were way too flimsy. This is actually really sturdy and can hold much more weight.

The cute little striped box is a drawer divider which will eventually go in my dresser. One section will be for socks, the other section for hats.

As you can see I have a ton of storage space now! I'm thinking I'll put diapers and extra towels in the blue hanging drawers, and then maybe buy two boxes that will slide into the blue piece where I can store all of the baby shoes and baby toiletries. I love when little things, that can get easily lost, all have a place to call home.

And I still have my dresser to fill up :)!