Design Crush: Commune

You have to check out “The New Modern House” in House Beautiful by the awesome designer Pamela Shamshiri, from Commune.  Amazing stuff going on here - layers upon layers of greatness!! The house has such a cool, hip vibe to it.   Don't tell Pamela, but… I'm ripping this look off for my house!  

Now this is what I'm talking about - the sofa is so hot with all these found kilim pillows. It's screaming at me - sit on me, hang out for a while.  Also LOVE the fact they hid the TV and all the stuff that goes with it…  I need,  I want!!

Can u say... sexy kitchen chairs?  Look how they executed the upholstery! nice is this?

Go check out the December issue of House Beautiful for more. 
Btw, check out the Commune Design website for other projects and a cool shopping section.

I'm in love, again!   Hope you liked!