I haven’t been completely idle over the holidays though. My head has been wrapped up in lots and lots of planning. This kind of planning…
I had mentioned a few months ago that we were thinking of building this coming spring/summer, and that is still in the works. We’ve connected with a builder we would like to work with, and a draftsperson is the middle of working on our plan. We’ve gone back and forth a few times now which is apparently quite normal, but it’s taking some time to get things just right.
I can’t tell you much about it just yet, but hopefully I’ll be able to soon! Just wanted to give you a peak at what it looks like inside my head these days.
I hope all is well with you, and I look forward to getting back to the blogging. Lots of ideas brewing to kick off the new year!
p.s. If you have some building tips for me, please share!