I was fortunate this morning to land on willowdecor.blogspot.com
I don't know where to start. So... excuse me for rambling. I fell in love with these blue & white ticking shots that were on her, (Ms.Willow's) post - March 2010.
I know...this isn't blue & white ticking, but...I couldn't resist!SO...If that's not enough prettiness. I started reading her blog post for today and discovered this incredible BEACH HOUSE. The beach house that KMI is currently working on would fit inside this one! The architectural details are amazing! You have to see this incredible home! BUT..that's not it! I was so side tracked by all the info on her blog, I scrolled over to her butler's pantry Before & After. It's BEAUTIFUL!!! Every women should have one of these!! I know...I'm a little late to the game and everybody is already in the know, but..if your newbie like me check it out. willowdecor.blogspot.com
Lucky Dog!