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More than clothes in the closet...

Hello! How are you on this fine Tuesday? I suppose those of you who have school aged children are gearing up for school and perhaps have even started back. It's always an exciting time of year. I can remember shopping for school supplies and new clothes and packing up my back pack for that first day back.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with what I want to share today, other than the bit about clothes. I have some lovely closets to share today, and they all have this one thing in common - all of them are furnished closets which makes them more like dressings rooms. I've noticed that, if people have the space, they seem to be turning their closets into more than a place to store the clothes. Many closets now have stylish seating, tables or desks, dressing tables, and even fireplaces! Have a look.

A fireplace in a closet seems like a real luxury, but it would so nice on those cold, winter mornings.
Now, I'm off to catch a quick nap. It was one of those nights last night in the MacMillan household, and everyone is a little on the tired side.


Links: via decor8blog; Elle Decor; Elle Decor; via Marcus Design; via New England Home Magazine; Elle Decor; via la belle; via Architectural Digest; via decorpad; via decorpad; Elle Decor; via Houzz; via Marcus Design; via Marcus Design; via This is Glamorous