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Stylish Saskatchewan: Era Maternity & Baby Boutique (Prince Albert, SK)

It's been a while, but I have another Stylish Saskatchewan feature for you today. Allow me to introduce you to Erin King (left) and Sarah Pocha (right), co-owners of Era Maternity & Baby Boutique in Prince Albert, SK.

I was able to meet these two lovely ladies in person, and they were so sweet and accommodating. They are busy business owners and mommies. They often bring their little ones to work with them. 

Here's what they had to say about owning the trendiest mommy and baby boutique in northern SK.

1. How did you become interested in opening a maternity and baby boutique? We were interested in opening a maternity and baby boutique because, being young mothers ourselves, we felt firsthand the demand for it in our area.

2. What is your background, training, experience, etc. in owing and operating a boutique? Erin is a CDMS administrator with the ministry of environment, and has taken office administration. Sarah has been a self employed registered massage therapist for 8 years.

3. Where or from whom do you draw inspiration when choosing products for the boutique? We choose our products by drawing from our own experiences and from the input of our customers.

4. How do you share the work-load/responsibilities as co-owners of Era? We meet once a week to discuss the following week's workload, and we share the responsibilities. 

5.What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of operating a small business? We enjoy having total control over all the decision making, and it's great to be able to bring our kids to work with us. We find it challenging being tied to the business.

6. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a small business owners? The biggest lesson we've learned it to be adaptable without giving up our vision and without letting people walk all over us.  

7. How long has Era been open? We've been open since December 2009.

8. Why did you choose Prince Albert? We chose Prince Albert because it's home, and there was a demand for a baby boutique in this specific area.

9. What are some of your favourite products that you carry at Era? The prince lionheart wash pod, all the mexx clothing, and the items from Buffalo Bean (another Saskatchewan entrepreneur), which include soother strings, slings, wool booties, bibs, etc.

10. What are some of your most stylish products for furnishing and decorating a nursery, child’s bedroom, or play area? Hushamock, Wallies, bum and belly casting kits. 

11. Where do you like to shop and dine locally? Calypso Bay Clothing, Amys on 2nd and DQ 

12. What might we catch you doing in your spare time? Visiting with family and friends. 

13. What does the future hold for you/Era? Possible expansion in the next few years, and very soon on line sales.

I was able to snap a few photos of some of the fabulous products they carry.

The boutique also carries a large selection of super cute maternity and baby/toddler clothing.

If you live in the Prince Albert area or find yourself passing through, be sure to stop by and visit Era Maternity & Baby Boutique. 

#-5 1499 10th Avenue East, Prince Albert, SK  (Across from SIAST)  306.763.3325

Monday - Saturday 10 - 6
Open Late on
Thursday until 9
Sunday 12-5

Thanks so much for participating, ladies, and all the best! 
